
第二の行動: 永久会社

High Financiers invests the money in real estate and fix income securities and spends only part of the interest generated as its operative budget. When High Financiers generates profit, they add it to the initial capital raised and thus, increase their next year budget. Management and staff bonuses are directly indexed on this budget, thus increased.  When High Financiers generate a loss, they pay to their shareholders the same amount of the loss as dividends, deducting it from the initial capital raised and thus, decrease their next year budget. Management and staff bonuses are directly indexed on this budget, thus decreased. The resulting long term stability arising from this system is amazing […]

第二の行動: 永久会社 続きを読む »

3 番目のアクション: IPO – 新規株式公開

As a third action, the private perpetual corporation will eventually be transformed into a public perpetual corporation, which will continue to act as an IPO incubator, but with a broader mandate to invest in and support a range of promising ventures. The public perpetual corporation will be listed on a major stock market, providing investors with an opportunity to participate in the growth potential of a diversified portfolio of high-potential startups.

3 番目のアクション: IPO – 新規株式公開 続きを読む »


New York, NY – High Financiers, Inc. is excited to announce the launch of our new financial engineering operations, aimed at revolutionizing the world of finance. As a company that prides itself on innovation and cutting-edge solutions, we’re thrilled to be taking this bold step into the future. As Albert Einstein once said, “Innovation is not the product of logical thought, even though the final product is tied to a logical structure.” And we couldn’t agree more. Our team of financial experts has been working tirelessly to develop new, creative ways of approaching the complex challenges of modern finance. We’re confident that our financial engineering operations will allow us to

金融エンジニアリング業務 続きを読む »


New York, NY. – High Financiers, Inc., a leading player in the high finance industry, led by Marc Deschenaux, also known as “The Eagle of Wall Street”, has announced plans to raise USD 25 million through a pre-IPO private equity offering in exchange for 40% of its share capital. The funds will be used to create a private perpetual company that will act as an IPO incubator, with a focus on identifying and nurturing high-potential startups in various industries. The private perpetual company will leverage the expertise and networks of the company’s experienced team of high financiers to identify and evaluate potential IPO candidates, provide strategic and financial support, and help prepare

ハイファイナンサーによるプレIPOオファリング 続きを読む »


New York, NY – High Financiers, Inc. is proud to announce the addition of the brilliant entrepreneur Darren Horvath to our shareholders and executive directors.  With his exceptional skills, experience and network, he joined today Marc Deschenaux and Skender Djendoubi as High Financiers continue to provide high level financing, licensing, and marketing services and consulting to their clients. Darren Horvath is renowned in the logistic, transportation, import and export industries for his impressive achievements and strategic thinking.  With years of experience as business owner and Ninjitsu Master, he has become a trusted advisor to many Australian, American and international leading companies. His expertise in navigating complex situations and his talent for finding solutions to

ハイファイナンサー財団 続きを読む »


“High Finance Land” is not a physical location, but rather a term used to describe the sophisticated financial activities and transactions carried out by large financial institutions, such as investment banks, hedge funds, and private equity firms. These financial activities can take place anywhere in the world where such institutions are based or have operations. Major financial centers such as New York, London, Hong Kong, and Tokyo are well-known hubs for high finance, but there are many other cities and regions around the world where significant financial activities take place. It’s worth noting that while high finance is often associated with large financial institutions, individuals and smaller organizations can also

高融資土地 続きを読む »


Not necessarily. “High finance” typically refers to the complex financial transactions and strategies used by large financial institutions, such as investment banks and hedge funds, to generate significant profits or manage risks. These transactions and strategies can range from short-term trades to long-term investments, depending on the specific goals of the financial institution. For example, a hedge fund may engage in high finance by using complex derivatives and other financial instruments to execute short-term trades aimed at generating quick profits. On the other hand, an investment bank may engage in high finance by underwriting long-term debt or equity offerings for large corporations. So, the time horizon for high finance projects

ハイファイナンスとは長期プロジェクトを意味しますか? 続きを読む »

Does High Finance means High Risk ?

High finance generally involves complex financial instruments and transactions that are used to achieve significant returns on investment. While high finance can offer the potential for high returns, it also often involves significant risks. The level of risk associated with high finance can vary depending on the specific type of investment or transaction being considered. Some high finance investments may involve significant levels of risk, while others may be relatively low risk. It is important to note that while high finance can involve high risk, not all high-risk investments fall under the category of high finance. Additionally, not all high finance investments are necessarily high risk. In general, it is

Does High Finance means High Risk ? 続きを読む »

Standby Letter of Credit

Standby Letter of Credit

Definition A standby letter of credit (SLOC) is a guarantee of payment by a bank on behalf of their client. It is a loan of last resort in which the bank fulfills payment obligations by the end of the contract if their client cannot. The standby letter of credit is never meant to be used, but prevents contracts from going unfulfilled in the event your company closes down, declares bankruptcy, or is unable to pay for goods or services provided. Standby letters of credit help prove a business’ credit quality and repayment abilities. Types of Standby Letters of Credit: Performance SLOC Performance standby letters of credit ensure the nonfinancial contractual

Standby Letter of Credit 続きを読む »

The Costs of the Deal

Many businesspeople come to me to ask me help them close multimillion and sometimes multibillion deals. They are broke but in their mind, this is not a problem. The multimillion or multibillion deal will soon settle the problem and they’ll be able to pay all of their debts. What of deals are those ? Most of them are import-export of all kinds of commodities, from corn to gold. But I also saw people willing to build hotels, airports, business and conference centers, bungalows, restaurants, discotheques, spas. When they are not totally delusional as I described in one of my previous articles called “Imaginary International Trade”, they underestimate or merely ignore

The Costs of the Deal 続きを読む »